A video bio all about you and your biz so you can connect to your audience, show off your expertise and let your personality shine.
If your clients and potential customers only knew your full story.
If they only knew how you started.
- How you burned the midnight oil
- Made a zillion mistakes
- Failed again and again
- Left that cushy paying job to start a business you are proud of
- Took the road less traveled
- Failed some more

Sure, customers may know about your products.
They may know your stuffy biography or list of services offered.
But, do they know why you took the risk to get where you are today? Do they know how you got the courage to take the leap?
If they only knew the heartache it took to become fully, wonderfully you. Hear and see your story. See you in your element. Understand your why.
Then I'd be willing to bet you'd have a loyal following of amazing unicorns ready to invest in your next big thing or heck, just join to watch you take on the universe.
So, why don't you do it? Why don't you have that kumbaya, gather ‘round the campfire moment to tell them. To show them.
Because, real talk: telling your story and writing about yourself is unbelievably hard!
The hang-up most business owners have is telling their own story in a relatable and marketable way.
It's way more common than you think. You want to tell your story without sounding like a brag-a-docious butthole.

Let me let you in on an industry secret.
Even seasoned writers, we're talking million-dollar book deal writers, hire someone else to write about them for the biography portion of their book jackets.
That's how hard it is.
That's why they hire me.
Imagine for a moment, if you will, sitting in a peaceful field.
One filled with giant swaying swatches of grass, daisies and a perfectly set up picnic. (Also imagine you've taken your allergy meds. I SEE YOU, allergy amigos.) The small world around you is serene, calming. Birds are chirping, but not too loudly to interrupt the almost meditative hum of your carefree thoughts.
If you're thinking this sounds like a Disney movie, you're on the right track, my imaginative, fun-loving friend.
You open up your picnic basket—because of course you have a picnic basket—reach inside and grab the chilling bottle of prosecco inside. We're successful, ya'll, but not silly enough to think prosecco is beneath us. That's what makes us relatable, after all. Choose your own bevvy. Margaritas for you. La Croix you. Mai Tais for you. Prosecco for on and all!
You take a deep breath, raise your chilled glass and shout to the gods and goddesses of storytelling,
“I've done it. I've shared my perfectly unique story. I don't have to worry about it anymore.”
You now have your story fully written and edited into a video to not only tell customers about but show customers what you're all about.
That sweet relief is priceless.
- You're actually excited to send people to your website now, just so they can click on that updated About Me page.
- You can now skip the long dreaded proposal because they loved your video bio so much, they booked right away.
- You're not concerned anymore with putting time in your calendar to sit down and find your inspiring inner-writer because it's already dun-zo!
- Heck, you've freed up so much time from worrying about getting a video out and your story written that you're sitting in a field of freakin' daisies sipping prosecco!
Who's the real winner now?

How it works:
Your Video Bio is a no-fuss, all-in-one package where we take you from a state of writing and video content overwhelm to having a snazzy, zipped-up video all about your story featuring you.
- Done-for-you script writing
Your story, told by a professional writer. (That’s me!) Your story, for you to use however you see fit for other marketing collateral needs too. (Think: About Me pages, bios, taglines, social media posts.) - Done-for-you video
1-2 minute feature video, edited by the valedictorian of her video broadcasting class. (That’s me!) Your feature video, for you to use wherever you would like, available in multiple formats.

I'm Caroline Peterson.
I’m the founder of Not Your Average Gal, a copywriting studio that encourages people and brands to barrel through those layers of self-doubt and reveal shiny, authentic versions of themselves.
I rescue you from the constant internal battle of, “Does this sound good?” and show you just how good sounding good feels. We define brand messages and tell your story because the world needs more of YOU, you shining example of magical perseverance.
Furthering my journey on the unbeaten path, many moons ago, I decided to go back to school to pursue video broadcasting after about a decade into the grind of ad agency life.
I've taken a leap—just like you have, no doubt!—and combined my love of writing and visual storytelling.
After receiving your Video Bio you will:
- Finally feel excited to have your personal and professionally curated story to share.
- Be armed with content that is all about you to use wherever you see fit like: About pages, welcome emails, pinned social media content, client proposals, playing on repeat in the office lobby—it can be used in so many ways!
- Have exactly what prospective clients need to discover who you are without reading lengthy, button-up biographies that leave people feeling MEH.
- Get people to know, like and trust you faster without the 1-hour consultation.
- Feel sweet relief knowing you have your elevator pitches and small talk custom-built.
- Be proud to finally show your family and friends exactly what you do for a living.
What’ you’ll get.
1:1 Consult
After our consult call, I'll give you an opportunity to dream big with an easy-breeze questionnaire catered to you. This is an important step in the creative process. Lay it all on me here. Have fun with the personalized questions and get clear on what exactly you want in your video.
Done-for-you Script
You don't need to do diddly! I do the heavy lifting by creating a script that captures you and your story. You'll get to see it and tweak it as needed too.
Shooting Techniques and Helpful Tips
No pushy director or full production team needed: You're in charge of exactly how you want to look on camera. Find out what to wear, the best kind of lighting, the time of day to shoot, how to be natural, how to use the camera, the different types of shots and how to create them.
Shooting Day Checklist
Get a curated checklist based on your script so you don't have to worry about what to shoot. It will include details of how long each clip should be, B-roll footage ideas, when to laugh or when to be serious. (Hint: the answer is always to laugh!)
1-2 minute Video Featuring Your Story
Video is a 5-year investment. Meaning, you can use this story all about you for a long time. Think of all the places you can use it: Intro emails, About Me pages, show it off on social media, send it to that big client you've been trying to land, include it in your email signature—so. many. options.
Optional add-ons to think about:
- A shorter 15-30 second video, perfect for Instagram.
- Done-for-you website bios: Your first or third-person biography to be used along with your video bio
- Done-for-you social media bios: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook & Linkedin
- Professional bios for speaking gigs: Podcasts and conferences
Even if you've attempted to sit down and write about yourself a million times
or have a backlog of half-written About Me pages and braindumps of video ideas to introduce yourself, I've helped enough business owners to know that telling your story is critical to showing up as your authentic self and I know I can help tell yours.
Because you matter. Your story matters.
So, let's tell it!
Investment: $2800

Interested in getting started?
Awesome! Here's how to do the happy video bio jig in 5 Steps:
- Book a free Discovery Call: You. Me. Day appropriate beverages. This painless chit-chat will be all about you and your biz and also give you a chance to ask me any questions. Max time: 30 mins.
- If we're a good fit, you'll get a chance to book your video bio and check out available dates to start production. We'll set clear timelines and get crackin'.
- After you've filled out your hilariously personalized questionnaire, I'll get rockin' and rollin' with a script.
- With an approved script and personalized shot list, you send me all the video footage you want.
- Â I edit your footage with your incredibly well-written voice over into a beautiful story about you and your biz for you to share forever and ever that you puffy heart love.
Don’t want another Zoom call? No problem.
Email me directly with your questions: caroline@notyouraveragegal.com
Video Bio Hall of Fame
Get a glimpse of video bios in the wild.
Are you Type A? Do you need know about all-the-things before jumping in? Do you read every single review on Amazon before buying something that’s easily replaceable and less than $10?
Welcome! We embrace those people because we ARE those people. Take a look at the FAQs here and take comfort in knowing you can always shoot me an email if your question is not answered.
What the heck would I use a video bio for?
Great question! I’ve had clients use them on their About pages. Include them in client proposals. Use as part of their email signature: Find out more about me by watching this video! As part of their rebrand or even business introduction to the world. It goes without saying, but all have use this as pinned content for their social media channels.
Where are most clients using their videos?
See above. Social media, websites, About pages, on repeat on a lobby tv, in proposals, email signatures and on sales pages.
Do I need fancy camera equipment?
Heck no! You can shoot this with your cell phone. Just be sure you have an iPhone X or newer or an Android with UHD 4K ability (Please let me know if you need help figuring out what you have.) If you have fancy camera equipment you’re comfortable with, go on with your bad self.
Do I need to hire anyone to shoot my video?
Nah. With my Shooting Day list, you should be good. But if you’re more comfortable hiring someone else, by all means do it.
How quickly can this be done?
Ideally, this process takes 3-4 weeks.
I need a video in 2 weeks, can you help?
Yes. There’s a rush fee for this and you must be willing to provide feedback and approval quickly to meet the deadline.
Why wouldn't I just edit the video myself if I'm already shooting the footage?
It depends on how much experience you have with producing and editing and, more importantly, how much you value your time creating it.
What sort of video background do you have?
I was valedictorian of my broadcast media arts class at Specs Howard School of Media Arts. Additionally, I have 15 years of marketing experience at ad agencies with accounts that included video and television production. On top of that, if you’re looking for some fancy-shmancy, expensive piece of paper, I’m an alum of Michigan State University (GO GREEN!).
Who can tell me more about your work?
Take a look below, yo.
What do snakes do after an argument?
They hisssssss and make up.
Why Amazing People Hire Me
I’m equally grateful to work with such kind, creative souls.
“Let Caroline tell your story—whatever it is. You’ll be impressed by your own story and how well it is written when you leave it in her hands.
Her unique copywriting makes whatever project you are working on stand out from the rest. I’m currently thinking of what I can hire Caroline for next.”

Meghan Jameson
Owner, Tidewater Solutions“I loved that Caroline ‘got’ our voice and was always open and proactive about communication and collaboration. I would recommend her again and again. “Â

Leslie Youngblood
Senior Director of Brand, Creative & Marketing, Excelerate America“Caroline’s ability to suggest creative and positive enhancements to the work we’re doing, keeps it fresh and engaging.”

Dan McKernan
Communications Director, Operating Engineers 324Ready to take your next step?
Let’s jump into a 1:1 sesh with me all about YOU: