I’m not entirely sure why December is giving my immune system a run for its white blood cells, but I can only have so many green smoothies a day before I want to barf. I had a nasty stomach bug two weeks ago and thought I successfully avoided the plague going around the office.
My immune system was probably pretty wrecked after the stomach bug and the day before I left for Minnesota, I knew I had a cold. Which has turned into a snotty infection, taking away my voice and, you know, actually tasting food.
I don’t “do” sick, you guys. I’m not sick that often. I’m about as healthy as they come, constantly pumping in vitamins, trying to eat right and obviously exercising. I have a history of getting sick right before I travel on big trips.
- Our wedding in England. I’m sure stress didn’t contribute to that…
- Our honeymoon in Thailand and Cambodia. Some people experience an adverse reaction to the typhoid vaccine. Guess who won that lottery?
Anyway, I’m currently sitting here typing this not feeling a whole lot better and hoping I can recover sometime soon back to my normal healthy self.
All that said, I’ve trudged through with antibacterial gel and Kleenex in-hand and enjoyed my Christmas in Minnesota. Yes, it was cold, but I actually was totally okay. Those 20+ years in Michigan did some good. I hope you enjoy the pics.
Had a lovely take-off.
Enjoyed my upgrade.

Took selfies to send the Hubster at church.
Laughed at different versions of a “sippy cup.” Had a delicious Christmas Eve dinner.
Chased this penguin butt around.
A photo posted by Caroline (@carolinemadethis) on
Returned to being a 10 year old.
Laughed around the tree opening presents.
We Facetimed with the Hubster stuck on-call. (no pic, sadly, he looks cute in scrubs)
Hid from Cara’s camera.
Looked adorable.
Had a delicious Christmas dinner with the fun fam.

Sent sick selfies to the Hubster. Like literally, sick.
Said goodbye and goodnight to my favorite nugget.
Sat around the tree chit-chatting while the snow fell before I hit the hay for my flight.
3 hours of sleep later, we headed to the airport and I said goodbye to this white stuff.
Got on the earliest flight home yesterday morning so I could have a belated Christmas with the hubster before he went on-call the next day (today).
It’s been a whirlwind few days.
Here’s to a healthier time next week to ring in the New Year.
I’m thinking of doing a Year in Review post for the blog. Is that something you’d dig?