But…what about your business?
What about your clients?
What if people unfollow you?
What if you get a nasty email?
What about alienating your loved ones?
What about screaming into an echo chamber?
What about Aunt Wilma who posts the most BIZARRE conspiracy theories?
The “What abouts†are real, guys.
These are all thoughts I've had; all thoughts expressed in my small business community too.
And yet, as I've mentioned before, from the tippy-tops of my toes to the roots now growing out of my head, I know not saying anything isn't an option for me. It feels grossly negligent to just stand by.
I'd like to gently nudge you in that direction.
Rachel Rodgers has a post today that inspired me enough to put down some words before I go for a run to clear my mind after WHAT AN ENTIRELY SHIT SHOW WEEK WAS THAT, YOU GUYS?!
Because, you see, that's what I do. I write.
It's my gift to you. As, “Let's all get in a circle and list 3 things we're grateful for,†as that sounds—that's my power. That's me sprinkling a little bit of infectious (for the love, not COVID-style) stardust on this corner of the interwebs, asking you to take pause, and reflect.
When you hide what makes you special, you become invisible. When you keep doing something that's not working just because you don't want to rock the boat, ultimately, you drown.
Rachel Rodgers
The kicker is: when you take a stand, make a statement or share your opinion, you often account for some sort of blow back in your life.
That often comes in the form of friends and family. Our loved ones.
Defining your circle of friends and family can be a lifelong culling process, more often than not, reflecting how true to yourself you've been. Are these the people you choose to surround yourself with or those who are there by-proxy based on the facade you've presented yourself?
That can be why it's hard to take a stand. Harder to voice an opinion when you know you will offend. Why you may think it doesn't matter in the end.
And here's the pain-point most often missed with that worry of the possible backlash: you'll be okay.
- You'll be so okay that you'll revel in what finding your voice and rocking the boat feels like.
- You'll be so okay that you'll find out who admires your stance.
- You'll be so okay that others will follow your footsteps and not only stand by your side, but hold your hand saying, “Thank you.â€
- You'll be so okay that the bravery it takes to speak your truth when you know you will offend someone, will provide rocket fuel for the next time you decide to karate chop the dreaded, Pollyanna, “let's not get political†territory.
As you start defining these things about yourself, you naturally attract those to your circle who want to support and share in your ideals. Just by being you. Just by taking a stand.
So here's my stance:
I am voting for Joe Biden.
I do not think Donald Trump is fit to be president. Amongst many other things, he openly mocks POC, people with disabilities, women and more often than not, lies so much that we are left wondering if statements from the highest office in our country are accurate.
We absolutely cannot afford another 4 years like this.
I will absolutely not cast my vote for a third-party or write-in someone for an election this important. I certainly understand that not having a candidate that reflects my values entirely is frustrating, but I'm voting for more than just me.
(My qualms with the two-party system are something that deserves to be actively worked on during the 4 years of a presidency—not just discussed during election season.)
I will not worry what those statements may do to my business, my friends, my family, my next-door neighbor who so adorably blasts Hawaiian music while working in his garage because—
Here’s the reality:
Staying out of politics is a political move.
Staying silent to appease some out-dated business model is both irresponsible, offensive and short-sighted.
Staying quiet in order to remain affable and get more clients (money) is more a matter of character than politics.
Staying neutral screams a lot louder and says a lot more about you than you think.
My business. You. Me.
We deserve better than that.
Taking a stand will cause a ripple effect because bravery has a way of doing that.
Who are you willing to be? Who are you willing to offend?
Today, I’m asking you to be brave.