Solo travel. I’m doing it.
(I knooooow.)
I’ve learned recently that I probably shouldn’t plan for things expecting them to happen. It’s most likely a result of having to cancel our recent trip to Southeast Asia, but either way, I’m apprehensive about saying I’ll “for sure” do something.
With some extra PTO in my bucket, I’d like to plan a little getaway. A much needed getaway, more specifically. Medical school prevents the hubster from traveling with me and most people I know aren’t willing to travel as far and as much as I’d like. Which is totally okay, I’m just not willing to wait for that day to come.
I’ve always deeply admired those gals who just head out for solo travel adventures. These women have shown me that solo travel doesn’t have to be so intimidating. Read Be My Travel Muse and Adventures Around Asia for some rockin’ inspiration.
I do have super fun, close girlfriends (the same ones I went to Spain and Portugal with last year) who are going to Australia in December. How fun! I’m looking into the logistics of it and haven’t totally thrown the idea out.

But something is nagging at me a bit.
A sort of feeling that says it knows better.
A little voice that says:
Go alone.
I’m not totally sure why. Perhaps this is the sort of time and reflection I need after an emotional couple months and an incredibly intense few years?

I’ve traveled alone in the sense that I’ve flown to far off places alone, even spending days waiting for another person’s arrival. I lived in London alone for a month finishing up an internship, but I had already been there for months prior and well, London is essentially like another home to me. I knew it well at that point. While in London, my flatmates and I had the opportunity to travel to different countries for the weekend (I love how easy that is to do in Europe) and I remember one time saying that I’d just go alone if no one wanted to come. They ended up coming and I was secretly relieved.
I haven’t specifically gone somewhere with the intention of traveling solo the entire time.
It’s a thought that both excites and scares the shit out of me.
So, basically, I know I’ve got to do it at some point. So why not now? If time, price and logistics work out…this Florida gal is heading out of town…alone.
So where should I go solo?Â
This is where I love to reach out to my readers and ask their suggestions, just as I did when you helped us choose our next adventure earlier this year. You rocked it out with recommendations.
First, a few caveats:
- My preference is Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Central America. Am I open to other suggestions? Absolutely. With the miles and points I have in my accounts, those are the options I feel comfortable with for getting the best bang for my buck.
- I may do a tour with a group of like-minded travelers. Do you have any groups or companies you’ve toured with that you’d recommend?
- I’d like at least one city that’s a bit off the beaten path, but mainly will keep it to well traveled locations.
- I’m looking towards travel for early fall. My blood has thinned and the thought of being around snow doesn’t warm my heart. (You are absolutely allowed to call me a wimp. I’ve officially lost my 23 years of Michigan winters street cred.)
If you are traveling or live in any of those areas and want to meet up for a couple days or even just a beer, let me know!