Warning: Pity Party ahead.
I scheduled an appointment with my doctor again for this upcoming week so I could get a chest x-ray and examine what the frick is going on. I’ve basically been at a stand-still on improving with this viral sickness. I’m a bit concerned the improvement has stalled.
Warning: Grossness ahead.
I’m tired of coughing and then gagging because I can’t get the mucus out and then I think about it and it’s totally gross so I gag more.
I’m tired of blowing so much snot out of my nose that I need to grab two tissues in case I fill one.
I’m tired of coughing during my conditioning runs and then spitting it out and mistiming it so it lands on my shirt or my pants or…my face.
I’m tired of waking myself up because I’m wheezing/coughing/snoring from the build up in my chest and nose.
I’m tired.
I’m really tired.
I feel like I’ve given this a pretty good run with my attitude about it, but now I want results. I’m a gal that’s driven for results. What the heck can I do to get this healing to move quicker?
What’s the rush? Oh. That minor half-marathon I’ve been training for since this fall that I feel like, at this point, is a total waste because I can’t run past 3 miles without my chest hurting. I was on such a roll with busting through my long-run times, breaking my stride, enjoying 8.5 miles…that it makes me feel a bit crushed inside.
I’m not sure how I’ll complete the half-marathon on February 15th. My goal, at this point, is to complete 7 miles and if I need to, walk the rest. You have no idea how disappointing that is for me. My sister-in-law is flying down to Ft. Lauderdale to do the A1A Half-Marathon as well, but she recently injured her foot and is worried about running too. We’re just one beat-up group.
I mentioned I’d like to run 2 half-marathons in 2015, so all is not lost.
At this moment, I’m really frustrated. I know, physically, I’m doing all I can. I’m interested in hearing what my doctor has to say. If he tells me to stop running until the half-marathon, I’ll be crushed. If he tells me to suck it up, I’ll do just that. I’m good at sucking. Wait…that didn’t come out right.
Truth be told, last year I irritated my IT band a month before the half-marathon and really had to scale back training, but I still completed it. So, here’s to another year of worrying prior to the race. Ha!
We just got back from a 4 mile run and around 1.5 miles I started coughing, then I basically started getting frustrated with everything: I didn’t go grocery shopping today, great now I have to fight the Monday night crowds. When will the hubster fix the toilet? How is the Miss Universe pageant even a thing? Man, I need a pedicure.
Pity party for one, right here, folks.