Med school complicates everything, including having any control over our schedule.
- Our wedding? The hubster had to move mountains to find out the schedule for the following semester so we could, you know, plan our nuptials. We never got a final answer and took a guess. A good guess! (Not joking…)
- Honeymoon? Didn’t know what his break schedule would be until, you know, the week the Fall semester began.
- Holidays together? HA. Hahahahahahahaha.
So, when we actually knew he would have a break in July 2015, my type-A-planner-little-heart burst with joy! WE CAN PLAN OUR NEXT ADVENTURE NOW!
<insert rhythmically challenged tap dancing here>
This is where YOU come in.
In general, we know we want to head back to SE Asia. We fell in love with Cambodia. We liked Thailand as well, but something about Cambodia pulled at our hearts. So, I think we want to head back and explore another city and then more countries in SE Asia.
My intention is to use miles to fly (hopefully in our first lie-flat seats). Nearly all our major miles are with Delta and it has a pretty good hold on the Asian region for flight options. I also want to use my points for hotels and spend as little as possible in other off-the-beaten-path guesthouses. Read: $5 a night. Nope. Not joking.
All that said, I’m not opposed to hearing from you about other places to explore.
South Korea. China. Japan. Hong Kong. Australia. Colombia. South Africa. Morocco. Czech Republic. Turkey. The Netherlands. France. My list goes on…
Ultimately, the decision will be ours. I gave my husband a deadline of mid-January to let me know where we should go and I’ll make all the plans and arrangements. That’s the fun part!
But I want to hear what YOU think.
Keep in mind we’re not luxury travelers. We like a nice combination of “roughing it” and splurging on an exotic day-trip or a nice night in a hotel with a great bar on the roof overlooking the night skyline. We probably won’t travel with more than a carry-on/backpack. We ideally would have 2 weeks to work with.
Now it’s your turn:
- What other countries do you think we should consider?
- Where would you recommend to go in SE Asia?Â
- Where have you gone and would you recommend?Â
Once our decision is made, I’ll post it here to begin the planning festivities. Grab your party pants and get them ironed, you guys. This is going to be fun!

Railay Beach, Thailand