This site was originally created to serve as a place to put my portfolio and contact information for my video, writing and marketing work. I wanted my site to be a place for potential job opportunities, even if it was in far-off places. Over time, I found that most people were coming to read my blog. (Thanks Google Analytics) And it's funny how life turns out because years later, I find myself in a totally different warm climate with palm trees and year-round sunshine…as a copywriter. While I didn't specifically move to Florida for my current job, life seemed to mold into that direction. As it needed to be, perhaps.
I've talked a lot about how I'm revamping things and going to change the name of this blog. Are you excited?! Get excited. This is like peanut-butter-on-chocolate exciting.
So what can you expect from this place now? More focus.
If you had asked me 20 years ago what my favorite thing to do was, I'd tell you it was traveling. Today? Traveling. I've been to some pretty freakin' neat places, especially recently. I went to England (to get married no less, because that’s totally normal), Scotland, Thailand and Cambodia last year. Up next month: Spain & Portugal!
I want to tell you about them. Down to how I got there, how I afford it, where to go, where to stay, what to expect and more importantly why it's imperative to travel and see the world.

A Standard Life
My father got up at our wedding and talked about how I have always been and forever will be the girl who thinks outside the box. At first, I was like, what the heck, Dad?! I'm doing something so “normal†here for once, I'm getting married! But he's right. The last thing I want to be is a lemming and get caught up with the often miserable cycle of keeping up with the Joneses. If you've followed my blog in the past, you know I've been cornered before about my life choices and how they don't fit the mold.
The American standards of success are very different than mine.

I ran a freakin' half-marathon this year and you know what? I didn't lose a damn-flippity-fucking pound. I didn't gain any weight either. Same thing happened when I trained for and completed an Olympic-distance triathlon. What gives, dude?! I'm down 5.5 pounds total now and aim to keep that number dropping. Throwing that out there isn't easy for me, but damn, it makes it real and accountable. That feels good!
I want to blog about my goals, nutrition, workouts and overall body-image issues, especially for women.

Life Observations
I once wrote a post about leggings not being pants and apparently it resonated with you people. That's what you'll find here still. Like, for instance, when an older lady at our pool (did I mention we live in FL and there's lots of fun, old people) told my husband, who is in his 3rd year of medical school, that he should go into Psychiatry because…wait for it…â€there's lots of nuts running around here.†I can't make this shit up.
So I'll blog about it.
I'm a news junkie. In a past life, I wanted to be Barbara Walters. I even went back to school for broadcasting. I enjoy knowing whats going on and get beyond frustrated with people who are purposefully apathetic to the world around them because their own world is that much more important. Okay, that may be an exaggeration, but that's exactly how it's perceived when you have no idea what's going on in your own country, let alone across the world. It's not all doom and gloom. I fully believe in the human spirit. That's what you'll find here.
Yes, my fellow lady-pals. I can't tell you how many times I've said if we just SUPPORTED each other this world would be capable of so freakin' much more. I'm no angel, but MAN (pun intended) some of you ladies are nasty, unsupportive, miserable people to one another. I don't get it, so I'm going to openly talk about it. Right here. The male ding-a-lings (pun intended) are welcome, too. We're not gender exclusive ‘round these parts (pun intended).
I’m also looking into having guest posts for any of the above subjects, even other subjects if someone so desires and I approve. Just hit me up. I'm sure this site will be ever expanding, but that's the game plan for now.
You'll find pretty consistent funny ramblings on my Instagram, Facebook and Twitter pages. Follow them. I'm a good time! Wait. That didn't come out right…