Word Wizard.
A client once found me by Googling, “Sassy Copywriter.”

The punchy personality you need.
Not Your Average Gal is all about opting out of the status quo. Sometimes that looks like a solo trip to Hong Kong. Other times that looks like finding the perfect corner of a coffee shop, putting on my “don’t talk to me, bro” headphones and coming up with memorable brand slogans.
My relatable and compelling writing is how most of my readers and clients know me. If your brand messaging needs more personality or you’d like to define what the heck your brand message is, carry on my wayward son.
Sign up for inspiring true stories.
Brave Enough to Try is a publication and community for everyone who embraces the wild notion that being themselves is enough. They understand that trying new things—and sometimes failing!—leads to a life filled with the advantages that different perspectives bring.
Work with me.
Not Your Average Gal is a creative content studio that gives your messaging the KA-POW! it needs.
“Let Caroline tell your story whatever it is. You’ll be impressed by your own story and how well it is written when you leave it in her hands.
Her unique copywriting makes whatever project you are working on stand out from the rest. I’m currently thinking of what I can hire Caroline for next.”

Meghan Jameson
Owner, Tidewater Solutions“Especially for a small business who is trying to accomplish many things in a short amount of time, the ability to give Caroline the scope of a project and have her deliver on that with relatively little guidance and oversight is incredibly helpful.
I love that everything she writes from check-in emails to a 20-page whitepaper; it’s so lovely and fun. Caroline has an amazing voice and personality, and it comes through in everything she does.”

Emily LaDrig
Chief Revenue Officer, Excelerate AmericaCopy
I’m here to rescue you from the constant internal battle of, “Does this sound good?” I show you how good sounding good feels.
Your brand isn’t what you think it is, it’s what your customers think it is based on how you, my dear, convey it to them. I help define your story.
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Your Story Is Mine Too
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The Hard and Wonderful Things We’ve Learned This Year.
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“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”
– Gloria Steinem
(She was talking about your ho-hum copy)

Meet Caroline.
I’m Caroline Peterson, the copywriter behind Not Your Average Gal. Part-time globetrotter. Full-time sassypants. I’m a fierce advocate of women supporting women and learning how to believe in ourselves unflinchingly.